
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Roman Holiday (Unrated)

My Rating: 90%
The Rotten Tomatoes: 98%
Audience Rating: 94%

Yes, I am aware that this film is incredibly old. Do you have a problem with that? No? That's what I thought. xD I did say that I would be reviewing all kinds of movies, should already know about this. Anyway! I love this movie so much!!! It's one of those movies that you just have to see, because it's such a classic. Not to mention that it stars the one and only Audrey Hepburn. That girl is QUEEN. Just saying. Also, in case you don't know, this movie is in black and white, which I don't mind at all, but I know it does seem to bother some people.'ve been "warned."

Photo courtesy of

I'll give a quick, spoiler free summary of the movie. Overwhelmed by her suffocating schedule, a European princess that goes by the name of Ann takes off for a night while in Rome. However, when a sedative she took from her doctor kicks in, she falls asleep on a park bench and is found by an American reporter who takes her back to his apartment for safety. At work the next morning, the reporter finds out about Ann's regal identity and bets his editor that he can get an exclusive interview with her, but romance soon gets in the way.

Like I said, this movie is a classic. If you seriously haven't seen it already (for whatever reason) I highly, HIGHLY recommend that you do. It's beautiful, it's exciting, and best of all, it has romance. Did I already mention that romance movies are like seriously my favorite movies? Yeah I know, I'm seriously living up to the typical teenage girl stereotype by saying that, but it's true. I just can't get enough of romance movies! Also, since my Dad is really into the old films, I watch them a lot with him. Which I don't mind in the slightest, I love all of them. So when he told me we were going to watch this movie, I was SO EXCITED because I've heard so many good things about it. I'm so happy I finally got to see it.

Overall, I gave this film a 90% because it's definitely one of my favorites. Why didn't I give it a higher score, you ask? Well...look, I'm not gonna lie, I love old films. But they definitely have their "quirks" so that when you see them in this day and age, it's hard to overlook some of those "quirks" that all old movies seem to have. But other then that, I love the film VERY much, and I highly recommend this to anyone that feels up to watching it. Believe me, it's worth it.

Everest (PG-13)

My Rating: 70%
The Rotten Tomatoes: 72%
Audience Rating: 70%

Geez, how many movies about Mt. Everest do you need to make before you've decided that it's enough? Seriously though, there's a lot of these. Although I did like this movie. It was very realistic and engaging, and it was easy to understand and relate to most of the characters. Well...I guess "relate" is the wrong word, considering I'm a teenage girl and the people in this movie are like guys who are in their 40s.

...*forced cough*

ANYWAYS, I'll give a brief description of the movie, without spoilers, of course. Set in 1996, two climbers that were sent from different expeditions start their final ascent towards Mt. Everest, which is the highest point on Earth. Without warning, an extreme blizzard comes to the explorers, making it one of the most violent storms ever encountered by man. Challenged by these extremely harsh conditions and the high possibility of fatality, the teams of climbers must find a way to survive this epic battle given by Everest, against nearly impossible odds.

Photo courtesy of

Can you believe this movie is based on a true story? That's right. The actors in the movie are portraying the real climbers from a expedition to Mt. Everest. That is so crazy! I mean, I know people hike Mt. Everest all the time (well, not all the time), but still, it's hard to believe what's actually going on up there until you can see it yourself. This movie honestly showed you how dangerous it is to do things like this. I gotta be honest, the whole "risking your life just to go through the experience" thing isn't really for me. I'm fully aware though that a lot of people are into that stuff (like my Dad) so...I guess whatever floats your boat.

I decided to give this movie a 70% because don't get me wrong, it's a great movie and I definitely recommend that you see it, but I only gave it a 70% because it wasn't that original, and the plot definitely dragged at some points in the film. There were many moments were they waited around, talked with other people, etc. To me, it just didn't seem that necessary to add to the film. And since there was a lot of dragging...this movie ended up being SO. FREAKING. LONG. I mean, come on. It's 2hrs 30mins long!!! In my opinion, once you hit that 2 hour mark in a film, you really have to take a hint to stop. But of course...All of this is just my opinion.