
Friday, October 23, 2015

Hotel Transylvania 2 (PG)

My Rating: 65%
The Rotten Tomatoes: 51%
Audience Rating: 73%

Okay, before you think of judging me for watching a kid's movie, in my defense I had to go with my younger brother, who's eight. So shush. It wasn't as terrible as I thought it was going to be though. I thought the first movie was actually really clever, but usually sequels do not live up to the expectations. Why? Because the idea isn't that original anymore. So it's usually just something you've already seen. That's what this movie mostly felt like.

I will now give a brief description of the movie. (without spoilers, of course) Dracula just opened up his hotel to humans, and everything is going really great. Until he realizes that his grandson could have the possibility of not becoming a vampire, like him and Mavis, but just stay human, like Johnny. When Mavis and Johnny take a trip away from the hotel, Dracula must prove, with the help of his monster friends, that his grandson Dennis is a vampire. And the only way to find out is to see if Dennis will ever get vampire fangs.

I thought the overall plot of the movie didn't really have much going on. Although knowing the audience the movie is directed to, I know I may be sounding a little picky. As far as my little brother, he loved the movie. Of course. But I will say that there are moments in the film that are funny, and there are some jokes added in that younger children wouldn't understand, but older people would. I'm pretty sure those jokes are only put there so the teenagers or parents that have to come with younger children to these movies won't get... well, I think the best way of saying it is BORED TO DEATH. (Get it? Death? Monsters? Undead vampires? .....*sigh*)

All things considering, I thought the movie was cute. I mean, did you see Dennis, Dracula's grandson? So adorable! And it was nice to see all the original monsters working together again in this movie, like the first one. This movie never really has any crazy moments in it, (like that can stress you out and stuff) but again, it's a children's movie.

All in all, this movie was fine. I loved going because I knew my brother would love it. For me, it's just one of those movies you go to for another person. Unless there are some younger children reading my blog. If you are young, then you will love this movie! Because although the plot didn't have much going on, it's a nice experience for children. It's cute.

Watch the trailer here.

A photo ad for the movie. I got the picture here.

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