
Friday, January 15, 2016

The Grand Budapest Hotel (R)

My Rating: 93%
The Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
Audience Rating: 86%

Finally, after much persuasion from my friend Louisa, I finally decided to finally watch a movie that was directed by Wes Anderson. The only reason I haven't watched a movie directed my him in the past was because there were so many other movies that just kinda... took priority, I guess. But when you have nothing to do on a Saturday night with your friend and you're just scrolling through movies that you might want to watch... it then became much more appealing to start the movie. And let me just say: ...Wow.

Photo courtesy of

Okay, I know this is usually where I put the description of the movie, but quickly before I do that I just need to say this now. The color scheme for this movie was just... simply breathtaking. I just thought of this now, but I've been recently watching a show called Supernatural, and I just started watching the old 2005 episodes. There is seriously so much filter put into the episodes, it just ends up making it hilarious. This movie did have a filter. But the thing is... it was right. You honestly couldn't look away from it, even for a second. It was so unbelievably beautiful. The clothes that the characters were wearing just added to the color. Going from rich reds to deep purples... Every single scene could honestly be a work of art. Once again, unbelievable. I would seriously re-watch this movie just for this purpose.

Now, since I've finished with that, I will give a spoiler-free summary of this movie. Set in the 1930s, the Grand Budapest Hotel is a popular European ski resort presided over by a concierge, Gustave H. A junior lobby boy by the name of Zero becomes one of Gustave's closest friends. Gustave prides himself by providing first class service to every guest at the hotel, especially to those of elderly women. But when one elderly women, who Gustave cared very much about, dies mysteriously, Gustave finds out he is the recipient of a priceless painting and a high suspect in her murder.

Although this movie is described as a Drama/Adventure, which don't get me wrong, is exactly what it is, it does have an undertone of being a murder mystery. And if you just read my description of the movie you might think the same thing. Of course, it just makes the movie all the more interesting to watch. You know, I found something very interesting while watching the movie. They had this unbelievable perfect balance of many things going on and possibly being a stressful point in the movie...but then at the same time being extremely calm. It's really hard to explain it, and reading back now what I just wrote...I mean, it shouldn't even exist as a thing. Biggest oxymoron ever. But it was like that...Wow, was it amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw this and I completely agree! It was a terrific film and I'm very happy you did a review on it!
