
Friday, January 15, 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (PG-13)

My Rating: 90%
The Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
Audience Rating: 90%

Star Wars. The seventh movie finally came out, with $812.7M from the Box Office. Oh yeah, this movie was huge. But you probably already know that. Even if there was someone who's never seen a Star Wars movie in their life, they probably still have heard of it or know what it is. Do you even know how crazy people have been because of the release of this movie?? Okay, I'm definitely going to give some examples later on, but I'll just give you one now from my personal experience with seeing this movie. No, I didn't go opening night. That would seriously be suicide. If you didn't plan on arriving two hours ahead, forget it, you might have a spot to sit in that very first row where you seriously can't see the screen and end up having neck pains for the rest of the week. Basically I thought the best way to see this movie was to go in the morning. So I went to see it at 9 a.m on Sunday. Are you ready for this? The theater still completely filled up. If I didn't get my tickets the day before I wouldn't have made it. So yeah. It's just completely crazy. Worth it, but crazy nonetheless.

Now before I give a brief summary of the movie, or before I say anything else, if you have never seen a Star Wars movie ever, or if you've just seen the first one or something, I'm going to tell you right now. Do NOT read this blog post. Even if you don't care about spoilers, you won't have any idea what's going on because this links directly from the past movies. This is your warning. Alright then.
Thirty years after the defeat of the Galactic Empire, the galaxy faces a new threat from the evil Kylo Ren and the First Order. When a defector named Finn crash-lands on a desert planet, he meets Rey, a tough scavenger whose droid contains a top-secret map. Together, the young duo joins forces with Han Solo to make sure the Resistance receives the intelligence concerning the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker, the last of the Jedi Knights.

Photo courtesy of

Yeah, of course this was a good movie. I mean come on, it's Star Wars. What else really is there to say? Every year the effects get better, the fight scenes get better, the story gets better... Well, I know in some cases certain Star Wars movies are better than others, but I think you get my point. There really hasn't ever been a bad Star Wars movie. And this movie definitely lives up to its expectations. I definitely love all the new characters we're introduced to in this movie, especially Rey. She's a very intriguing character that you find yourself relating to throughout the movie. I also think it's nice that they added another girl besides Leia to have a lead role in these movies. Girl power! Am I right ladies? Yeah I am, I'm always right!

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