
Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I had a lot of fun blogging this year. To be honest, when I first started, I wasn't really optimistic about it, considering I didn't really consider myself a "blogger." I just thought when I got this assignment in English class, it was just an excuse for us to write while making it sound "fun."

"Oh, you're going to be doing a blog, so it's not really a writing assignment, but it IS kinda a writing assignment, but it's not, because it's blogging."

I see you Mr. Parker. I see you.

...But it kinda did turn out to be more than a writing  assignment. It did turn out to be (do I dare say it?) fun. I loved coming up with my own theme and doing something that I liked to write about, not doing something that I am told to write about. To be honest, most people don't like writing because I see them just do boring writing, like essays and informational subjects... Nothing that they want to do. Considering I'm in high school, we don't have time to write for ourselves. We have plenty of other things that we would rather be working on. So making an assignment that (I want to say "forces" but that sounds too harsh... oh well) forces kids to write something that they want to write about is a brilliant idea. It shows them that writing doesn't have to be a chore.

It was really brilliant of my teacher to make this an assignment. Showing kids that doing something that is related to school can actually be fun. But of course, we all didn't love it right off the bat, like I said earlier. We kinda... Just grew into it. Instead of being just another assignment you have to complete, it turned into something that people WANT to complete. While also learning. So it's just a win-win, for the students and the teacher.

Photo courtesy of

I grew a lot myself through writing blog posts. When I first started, I knew next to nothing about blogging, and it was really hard for me to think of a creative subject to blog about. I wanted to do something that people would connect to, but also care about. So I didn't want to make the blog about me, because I feel like a lot of people really wouldn't care. No offense to those blogs out there, but that's just my opinion. And that's when I realized: I should do something where I show my opinion while ALSO making it something that people would want to know so they would actually CARE about my opinion.

Movie Reviews.

Anyways, it's been a great year, but for now, my blogging run is coming to an end. But who knows? Maybe I'll find this again when I'm older and think about starting it back up. For now though, it's time to say goodbye. 9th grade has been a great experience for me, and it's only going to get better from here.

This post is dedicated to my amazing English teacher, who taught me more about the subject than anyone ever did. Thank you Mr. Parker!!

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