
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Minions (PG)

My Rating: 40%
The Rotten Tomatoes: 54%
Audience Rating: 51%

Don't let this cute movie poster fool you into watching this movie. Because believe me, it wasn't worth it.

Oh yeah. It was bad. It was REALLY bad. Not as bad as my experience with watching The Visit... but it came pretty close. To be honest, I don't even know why I went to see this movie. I had a feeling it was going to be bad from the start. But, as always, I was roped in my my little brother, so... yeah. I saw this movie. By the end of the film, even my brother regretted going. And when my eight-year-old brother doesn't like a minions-themed movie... that's when you know it's bad.

Why was this movie so bad? Well, first of all, this movie shouldn't have been made in the first place. I get that they made it because the minions were so popular, but there was nothing to go off of.  I mean, the whole movie is about (caution, spoilers ahead) the minions just running around trying to find a new master, until they eventually find a woman named Scarlet Overkill. And that just doesn't last long and then... well to be honest, I don't know what happens! The story jumps all over the place! You think you're watching one movie at one point, and then a totally different movie with a totally different plot line at another point! Nothing makes any sense in this movie.

I don't really know what else to say... I guess the reason I still gave this movie a 40% is because it did have some moments that made me laugh. They had a nice mix of jokes for small children and jokes that only adults or older people would understand. Some people are bothered by this, but I never understand why. When adults are dragged with their children to a kid's movie, they don't want to just be bored to death. I think it's always nice to have at least one thing to like about the movie. And this was the only thing that I'm guessing adults did like, if they even liked anything at all.

They should have just kept the original Despicable Me movies. Those films were pretty good. Minions just seems like a knockoff film to those original movies, and in truth, it was! The only reason people thought this movie would be a good idea is because people really liked the minions from the original movies, like I said earlier. But I imagine everyone who watched this movie then decided the minions weren't that interesting. This movie just ruined the simple, cute experience of the minions for everyone.

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