
Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Peanuts Movie (G)

My Rating: 80%
The Rotten Tomatoes: 85%
Audience Rating: 84%

I had to see this movie! It's Peanuts! I mean, the Peanuts comic strips and movies are classics. I always loved watching the holiday movies, like "It's Christmas Charlie Brown" during the holidays. These characters were just so... real. It was always fun to watch. So when I found out they were going to make an actual Peanuts themed movie, I just knew I had to watch it, and see what they decided to do. And it turned out... pretty good!

Basically the movie is about Charlie Brown finding a way to tell a little red-haired girl the he likes her. He thinks that he keeps embarrassing himself in the process, but he doesn't realize that he ends up showing many admirable qualities. This movie is so cute. Just the way that it's played out makes it such a delightful and adorable story about being who you are. There's also a fun side story with Snoopy that's also a nice addition to the movie.

This movie just has such a pleasant atmosphere around it, and it captures reality, and what usually happens in the real world. There's nothing magical or strange about it, like what Peanuts usually is. Sometimes it's nice to take a break from all that, and realize what actually happens. It's so simple. Everything about this movie is so simple, and, well... cute!

I mean, just look at this poster! It's adorable!!! :D

Another fun thing about this movie is that they actually put elements from all the other original movies into this movie! So if you've seen the other movies you will totally recognize the references to the other movies, because they don't make them subtle. Which I think is good. This movie was made by the original creator of Peanuts' son. So I imagine he loved putting the original movies into this one, big movie. If I had to say one thing I didn't care for, it's the animation style. But I get it. I don't think many people really wanted it to be the original animation style. It might just be me. I don't know.

The thing with Peanuts is, I don't know if it will ever be forgotten. It's just such a big part of everything now. It was interesting now to see a modern take on it, but here's the thing. Although this movie was fun and really adorable, this movie will probably not be remembered as long as the original Peanuts films. That's why I only gave this movie an 80%. It's very easy to soon forget after you watch it. Even if you don't want to forget it... it's just one of those movies you won't remember, you know? Unfortunate, but true. It doesn't really have any memorable qualities. That's all I really have to say about that. Even though I did like the movie. And the trailer is... you guessed it- adorable! :D

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