
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Spectre (PG-13)

My Rating: 85%
The Rotten Tomatoes: 63%
Audience Rating: 67%

The James Bond series has done it again! Another amazing movie filled with adventure, romance, and thrills. These movies have it all. Especially this movie, Spectre. I am a big James Bond fan, and I've seen all the movies with my family. Spectre had pieces of all the old movies hidden inside it, and that was really cool to recognize the references to the old movies, while still keeping the movie really modern.
I love this picture for the movie, because it's so simple. And I am a very strong believer in less is more.

Here is a quick, spoiler-free summary of the movie. After infiltrating a secret meeting of infamous criminals, James Bond discovers the existence of an evil organization that went by the name of Spectre. He goes to the daughter of his old nemesis for aid in his mission to stop Spectre, and he realizes that there is a really chilling connection between himself and the ultimate enemy he seeks.

This movie has all the action that every James Bond movie has in it. Car chases, gun fights, fist fights... yeah, it's pretty awesome. And a lot of people were excited to watch this movie, because this movie made a ton of money. In fact, the only James Bond movie that made more money than this one was Skyfall. And as you might know, Skyfall was huge. If I were to compare this movie to Skyfall... yeah, I would say Skyfall was better. But that doesn't mean this movie wasn't amazing, because it was.

If you're new to all this James Bond stuff... well then, I don't know what to tell you. There are a LOT of James Bond movies that were made. I'm not saying that you have to watch all the other movies before watching this one, because you can totally just start by watching this one, no problem. But there are a ton of references to the other movies that you might not get. And if you have seen the other movies, that's awesome! You will totally love watching this movie and seeing all the references to the old movies.

Some people don't know this, so I will say this in case you didn't know. This movie is actually before the first James Bond movie in the timeline. So as far as the story goes, this movie comes first before all of the other old movies. I think it's pretty cool that they designed it like that. At the end of the movie, he gets a car that he has in the very first movie, so that was cool to see it connect with the first movie like that.

So overall, this movie was great to watch. I feel like I could watch this movie again, because it's one of those movies that you can just... watch again, I guess. But before watching the movie, I recommend watching the trailer. Unless you totally want to be unaware with what's going on when you watch the movie. But if that was true, you probably wouldn't be reading my review right now... Ok I'm just going to end it here. Bye!!!

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